
Determine your leave reason and leave timeframe
There are different reasons why someone may request job-protected leave under FMLA and income replacement benefits under CT Paid Leave. Understanding the terms that are used for FMLA and CT Paid Leave will make it easier for you to apply.
If you are unsure of the beginning or end date of your leave, please use your best estimate. These dates can be revised during the application process as necessary.

Inform your employer
Inform your employer/human resources department about the need for leave. Let them know that you will be applying for CT Paid Leave income replacement benefits. You must ask your employer for job protected leave under FMLA.

Learn more about required documents
These documents will be required for all leave reasons:
Identity Verification
The easiest way to verify your identity is to provide a color copy of the front and back of your state issued driver's license or ID card.
Employment Verification Form
You must give this document to your employer to complete and submit to Aflac in order to verify your eligibility for the program.
Additional supporting documents
These documents vary depending on your leave reason.

Gather required information
When you begin your claim application you will fill out an initial questionnaire. You will need to be able to provide the following information:
Whether you are a sole proprietor or self-employed
The name of your employer(s) and their contact information
The reason you need time away from work
How will you be taking time off from work (continuous, intermittent, reduced schedule leave)
The start and end dates of your time away from work. You can enter an estimate if you are unsure.
The date that you need to begin your paid leave benefits.
- The date that you need your paid leave benefits to begin may not be the same date that your leave begins. For example, you may be using employer-provided paid time off or other employer-provided benefits for a portion of your leave before you need to start receiving CT Paid Leave benefits.
Whether you applied for any other income or benefits related to this leave
How you would like to receive communications
How you would like to receive your CT Paid Leave benefits if your claim is approved: direct deposit or pre-paid debit card
- If you select direct deposit, you will need to enter your bank's routing number and your bank account number. Generally, the bank routing number is the number on the bottom left and your account number is the number on the bottom right of your checks.
You will also be asked questions related to your leave reason.

Learn how benefits are calculated
Actual benefit payments will vary based on several factors including but not limited to work schedules, wages earned, other income-replacement benefits you receive such as paid time off and/or short term disability, and length of leave.
In addition, wages earned from non-covered employers do not count toward the benefit calculation or the eligibility determination.
Any change in minimum wage that occurs during the course of an active claim will not affect the benefit amount because the benefit amount is based on your earnings in the base period (i.e., the first 4 quarters of the five most recently completed quarters).
Benefits are based on your average weekly wage, defined as 1/26th of the 2 highest earning quarters from the first 4 of the 5 most recently completed quarters (which is called the base period). Only wages earned with covered employers in Connecticut are counted toward your average weekly wage for calculating benefits.
For example, for claims filed between October 1st and December 31, 2025, we would look at earnings from covered employers from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
Quarter 1
7/1/24 -

$2,200 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 2
10/1/24 -

$1,600 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 3
1/1/25 -

$2,000 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 4
4/1/25 -

$2,400 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 5
7/1/25 -

Not In the Base Period
Current Quarter
10/1/25 -

Not In the Base Period
In this example, the benefit calculation would be based on the $2,200 and $2,400. To calculate the average weekly wage, add these numbers together and divide by 26, and round down to the next lower whole dollar.
How do we calculate benefit amount?
1. Calculate average weekly wage
First, calculate the average weekly wage by adding together the 2 highest quarters in the base period and dividing by 26. Then round that result to the next lower whole dollar.
2. Calculate weekly benefit
If average weekly wage is less than or equal to the Connecticut Minimum Wage multiplied by 40 (i.e. $654 as of 1/1/2025), the weekly benefit rate will be 95%.
If average weekly wage is more than CT minimum wage multiplied by 40, weekly benefit rate will be 95% of the CT minimum wage multiplied by 40 plus 60% of amount that average weekly wage exceeds the CT minimum wage multiplied by 40.
3. Apply weekly benefit cap to the calculation described in step 2
In all cases, the weekly benefit is capped at 60 times the CT minimum wage (i.e. $981 as of 1/1/2025).
Example One
Quarter 1
7/1/24 -

$2,200 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 2
10/1/24 -

$1,600 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 3
1/1/25 -

$2,000 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 4
4/1/25 -

$2,400 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 5
7/1/25 -

Not In the Base Period
Current Quarter
10/1/25 -

Not In the Base Period
1. Calculate average weekly wage
In the example above, we would add together $2,200 (Quarter 1) and $2,400 (Quarter 4) to get $4,600. Then divide $4,600 by 26 to get an average weekly wage of $176.92. Then round that amount down to the next lower whole dollar, or $176.
2. Calculate weekly benefit
Using the current Connecticut minimum wage of $16.35 in our example, the average weekly wage of $176 is less than 40 times the Connecticut Minimum Wage ($654). Therefore, the worker would receive 95% of their average weekly wage.
Weekly benefit = .95($176) = $167.20
The worker's weekly benefit calculation is $167.20.
3. Apply weekly benefit cap to the calculation described in step 2
In this example, the weekly benefit amount of $167.20 is less than $981. Therefore, the weekly benefit is $167.20.
Example Two
Quarter 1
7/1/24 -

$7,500 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 2
10/1/24 -

$8,500 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 3
1/1/25 -

$7,750 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 4
4/1/25 -

$8,750 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 5

Not In the Base Period
Current Quarter
10/1/25 -

Not In the Base Period
1. Calculate average weekly wage
In the example above, we would add together $8,500 (Quarter 2) and $8,750 (Quarter 4) to get $17,250. Then divide $17,250 by 26 to get an average weekly wage of $663.46. Then round down that result to the next lower whole dollar, or $663.
2. Calculate weekly benefit
Using the Connecticut minimum wage of $16.35 in our example, average weekly wage of $663.00 is more than 40 times the Connecticut Minimum Wage ($654). Therefore, the worker would receive 95% of $654 plus 60% of $663.00 minus $654.
Weekly benefit = .95($654) + .6($663.00-$654) = $621.30+$5.40=$626.70
The worker's weekly benefit calculation is $626.70.
3. Apply weekly benefit cap to the calculation described in step 2
In this example, the weekly benefit amount of $626.70 is less than the maximum benefit amount of $981. Therefore, the weekly benefit is $626.70.
Example Three
Quarter 1
7/1/24 -

$13,000 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 2
10/1/24 -

$16,500 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 3
1/1/25 -

$17,000 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 4

$14,000 in
In the Base Period
Quarter 5
7/1/25 -

Not In the Base Period
Current Quarter

Not In the Base Period
1. Calculate average weekly wage
In the example above, we would add together $16,500 (Quarter 2) and $17,000 (Quarter 3) to get $33,500. Then divide $33,500 by 26 to get an average weekly wage of $1,288.46. Then, round that result down to the next lower whole dollar, or $1288.
2. Calculate weekly benefit
Using the Connecticut minimum wage of $16.35 in our example, average weekly wage of $1,288 is more than the $654 calculation threshold. Therefore, the worker would receive 95% of $654 plus 60% of $1,288 minus $654.
Weekly benefit = .95($654) + .6($1,288-$654) = $621.30+$380.40=$1007.70.
The worker's weekly benefit calculation is $1007.70.
3. Apply weekly benefit cap to the calculation described in step 2
In this example, the weekly benefit amount of $1007.70 is more than 60 times the Connecticut minimum wage ($981). Therefore, the weekly benefit is capped at $981.

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