I am a Third-Party Administrator

As a third-party administrator (for example, a payroll provider or tax accountant), you will need to work with the client employers you support to ensure their account is set up to meet the requirements of the CT Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act.

Smiling woman holding a binder in an office

Who is a Third-Party Administrator?

 For the purpose of CT Paid Leave, you are considered a third-party administrator (TPA) if you are remitting on behalf of a covered employer with workers in Connecticut.

Already Registered?



Create your account with CT.gov and register your business with the CT Paid Leave Authority

If you are a TPA and also have employees working in CT, you will have to first register as a TPA and then register as an employer.

If you are a TPA that does NOT have employees working in CT, you will only register as a TPA.


Determine how you will remit for your client employers: Batch Process or Online Portal

Batch Process

The batch process requires creating files according to the CT Paid Leave file specifications. If you use this process, your client employers will need to complete their own registrations using the online portal.

Online Portal Process

This process requires you to individually register and remit contributions for each client employer using the online portal.

Due to the upfront work to comply with the file specifications, many third-party administrators choose to use the batch process only if they have numerous client employers.


Enroll or register your client employers

  1. Submit an enrollment file following the batch process.
  2. Your client employers' registrations are not entirely complete if you choose this process. Notify your client employers they will receive an email to complete their registration through the online portal. For directions, refer them to the "Register Your Business - Employers page" Guide.

Visit the Register Your Business page for directions on how to register your client employers.


Remit contributions

Notify your client employers that they should NOT remit contributions to the CT Paid Leave Authority since you will remit on their behalf.


Confirm successful contribution

Batch Process Contributions

After batch files are processed, an acknowledgement file will be available in the Outbound folder on the SFTP server. Please review the information in the acknowledgement file and save this confirmation in your records.

If you received a .error file, correct the issues in your file and upload the corrected version to the Inbound folder.

Online Portal Contributions

You will receive an email confirmation when your contribution is submitted. Save this confirmation for your records. Credit card payments are typically validated within minutes, while bank account payments can take up to 7 business days.

Go to My Account to review contribution status and remit replacement contributions in the event of a failed contribution.


Maintain your account and your client employers’ accounts

Maintain your account

Sign into your account each quarter to confirm or update the following:

Account Information


Contact Information


Related Employers


Payment Methods


Date you first had Connecticut Workers

Maintain your client employers' accounts

If you maintain your client employers' accounts, confirm or update this information for each of your client employers on a quarterly basis.

If you do not maintain your client employers' accounts, remind them they must perform this quarterly update themselves.

Ready to Register?